and a big welcome to all our new members and new found yoga enthusiasts. This past week I have been sorting through all the scraps of cocktail napkins, business cards and random pieces of paper with names and contact info of all who, at one point or another, wished to stay informed of any and all things Kali Yuga Yoga. So, if for some reason you are receiving these emails and no longer wish to, just drop me a quickie note and I'll pull you from the list. and no worries, I'll still like you and we will remain friends : ) But if this message has been forwarded to you and you would like to stay in the loop, please fill out the mini-form below and I'll add you to our group.
Back to the Yoga!
Almost feels like we should be in the grass again... weather permitting, we just might meet outside in the backyard. Bring an extra layer or two and we'll play it by ear.
Wednesday, 2/28
6:00 PM
1302 Beechwood Ave
New Email Address
Thanks to our trusty tech advisor, Alison, we have a sprightly new email address. Please use this address for all future correspondence regarding the club and our meetings. I'll be phasing out the comcast address slowly slowly....
Newsletter News
Our monthly newsletter is already in progress. If you do have a yoga related concern, question or topic you would like to see addressed (especially a question for 'ask the yogini'), please let me know by emailing And for those of you who missed the newsletter, check out the blogsite where i'll be posting them each month (i haven't quite figured out how yet, but i'm working on it):

Yoga Club Outing
For those who haven't already heard, Anoushka Shankar will be performing at Vanderbilt on Sunday, March 18. Her sounds have provided a beautiful backdrop for many of our meetings. If interested in going to the show, please let me know by Monday, March 5. I am planning to order tickets and, subject to availability, if we have a group of 10 we could qualify for a discount averaging $3 off per ticket. It promises to be a most memorable evening of music.
For more info: Vanderbilt Great Performances
Thanks for the tremendous support, interest, love and dedication. I look forward to practicing together tomorrow!
Thanks to all who have been sending their contact info. I'll be using this list to forward newsletters, promotional info, etc regarding the upcoming studio. so, If you haven't already please copy and reply the form below and pass along to any other fellow yoga enthusiasts: