Hello to all!
it's official- our yoga space has been acquired and we are all set to start holding classes on the East Side- TODAY!!! although we have a long way to go on build-out, we now have a big open room in which to practice. the room is slightly conditioned, but you may want to bring an extra layer just in case. also, as you can see we are under construction so the room is pretty dusty and bare- tonight is not the night to show off your new prana outfit! wear your cruddies and we'll see you this eve~
What: Yoga Club
When: TODAY- wednesday, 12/ 13 @ 6PM
Where: 1011 Fatherland St. 37206
stay tuned for press releases with updates on the build-out progress...
with happiness and enthusiasm,
photo of the official closing... Loy, my title agent, and me signing the papers
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