I am happy to announce we will be hosting a very special guest teacher for this evening's practice. Renee Burnham, one of our fellow members, will be leading a Barkan Method Hot Yoga class. Renee is a long standing student of Hot Yoga and became certified at the 200 hour level. More recently she has been leading yoga classes at the Athletic Club near her home and practicing weekly with us- who knew we had an instructor among us! So come try some Hot Yoga with Renee and the Kali Yuga Yoga Club tonight- only $5!!!
Meeting Notes:
TONIGHT Hot Yoga with Renee Wed, 6/20 6:30 PM 1011 Fatherland St
**Hot Yoga is a slow, but intense asana practice. the temperature in the room ranges around the 98- 104 degree level. all students are encouraged to drink plenty of water before, during and after this practice. please wear light clothing to encourage sweat and bring a towel with you. for any other questions feel free to contact me: yogaclub@kaliyugayoga.com

***4th of July Schedule***

There is no schedule, we will be closed in honor of our nation's holiday : )
So, get out there and enjoy a picnic!!!!!

See you tonight for some Hot Yoga!!!
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